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Importance of mobile responsiveness for driving school websites

Is your site mobile responsive?
Do you still feel mobile responsiveness is a luxury for a small business like you?

It’s time to change your vision. In this article, you will find out why your driving school website needs to be converted into a mobile responsive site immediately.

A small note: We will only talk data over here. So there is no room for assumptions and speculations. Let’s dig deeper.

Mobile searchers are more dedicated:


That’s right. If your site is mobile-friendly, your students are more likely to contact you. And this will eventually increase your leads, and in turn, conversions. Again, we’re not assuming it. We have data to back us up. A recent finding proved that 55% conversions that initiate from a mobile search take place within an hour of the first encounter.


Mobile friendly site is user friendly too:

If you’re thinking about how your audience would react to your new site, don’t worry about that. It’s proven that mobile users rely those businesses more that are compatible with mobile devices as well.


It’s proved that 67% of mobile users are more comfortable to buy from a business that is compatible with their mobile device. So, if you don’t want to lose new leads and more sales for your driving school, you must not ignore mobile for your business.


Moreover, 74% people confirmed that once a site opens perfectly on their mobile phone, they are more likely to visit the site again.

Mobile responsive site equals to more sales:

Sales is important to you. Right? Then you must go for mobile responsiveness immediately. As reported, 62% of businesses have witnessed more sales once they graduated their website to mobile. While 64% of them saw the similar results after they optimized their website for tablet users.


But you need to find the optimal solution for your driving school. Analyze your potential searchers and how they browse your site. If you find that mobile users are more in number than that of tablet, go for a mobile friendly website only. The main reason is, we don’t want you to spend on the areas, where you don’t need to.

Mobile users are growing in number:

Mobile users are growing in number so fast that they are about to surpass their desktop counterpart. A ComScore study found that the count for global mobile users is keeping the desktop users behind.


Your audience is not an exception:

Are you still wondering if your business too needs a face-lift to match up the mobile revolution? We would say ‘yes’. As your main target audiences are teens, here is a piece of breaking news for you. 92% of teen mobile users remain connected almost all the time.


It’s seen that 92% of teenagers aging 13 to 17 use mobile phone constantly to access the internet. Only 12% said that they log in once a day and 6% said that they go online once a week.

The starting points of mobile searcher:

So, it’s established that you need a mobile responsive site that perfectly caters to your audience. But to do that effectively, you need to have a right mobile strategy. You need to find out how your audience searches on mobile. You need to explore how to attract them with your mobile properties.


A Google study shows that 48% of mobile users start their search journey with search engines. And 33% of them start searching for a business right from the website. So, in both these cases, you need to ready with a mobile-ready site.

Google started rewarding mobile-friendly sites:

Moreover, last year Google launched their mobile-friendly label, where they upvote mobile responsive sites in search results pages. Let’s take an example.


You can run similar search for your driving school too. But make sure you search them locally. The drill is, Google prioritizes sites with mobile-ready feature, which essentially down votes those without mobile friendliness. If your driving school site is not mobile responsive, you are going to lose plenty of queries and customers.

Final thought:

There are plenty of other reasons to cite if we go on talking about the importance of mobile responsiveness for a driving school business. If you want a quick analysis of your website and how we could help you in a cost-effective way, feel free to write to us.

We’re happy to help, always!

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Josh Meah

Josh Meah

Josh is the CEO of DrivingSchool.Marketing. His goal is to be the marketing and business development partner of driving schools around the world, helping them become thriving businesses while also expanding general awareness for the importance of traffic safety standards and education.

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